Find the best estate sales today in Ocala, Gainesville, Morriston, Williston, Inglis, Crystal River, Bronson, Dunnellon. Call us to organize an estate sale. A veteran owned and operated company, not affiliated with or estatesales net.

About us

With over 50 years of trusted experience, we understand that your time is important. Our team at ‘Estate sales by Dave and Lily’ strive to accommodate your variable needs whether you are near or far. We work our best to make the process of organizing your estate sale as hassle-free as possible. Our flexibility allows us to provide you with the highest quality and most timely professional services that you deserve.

Our Amazing Team

Our team is highly experienced and well-versed in antiques and successful estate sales. Trust in our expertise to achieve the best outcome for your needs.


Williston Florida, 32696


Telephone: 352-371-4313

Email: [email protected]